Wednesday, March 4, 2009

tibetan bride- Dawn.. we were imagining it...

Dawn seemed has only 2 emotions - forever in a happy, excited mood or... '火大'.

For I don't believe there is people who has no 'down' mood at all, I choose to believe she is so kind that she always bring us up to sky when she is ' high', and never 'sink' the rest when she is down.

Though we tried hard, but too bad, there was no one Tibetan who was good enough for her ( perhaps there is no tibetan bed that is soft enough for her- soft bed is a VERY BIG issue for her -), but we were kind enough to leave them a 'imaginary' tibetan bride...for them to dream on ..hopefully not a nightmare . Ha .. ha.. ha...

by yy

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ka Shou into being...

Ka sou first came into being during the Tibet trip, and his concept of the 'happy family' starts take shape since then...

hetty 和她的如意袋

Hetty 有一个比小叮当还神的‘如意袋‘- 一个取之不尽, ‘货源‘源源不绝的百宝袋。

应有尽有,从美珍香肉干,mash potato, slippers, 药品。。。

Hetty,比她的‘如意袋‘更神。 因为她竟然能把那么多好料塞进这个百宝袋 -)

Monday, March 2, 2009

looking through Ming's eyes

Ming take beautiful photos.

She has delicate eyes, she see different things, or , she see things differently...

Sometimes, I like to see through her lens and see the world in a very 'ming' way- the very upclosed and personal way...

The world of Ming...