Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009


西藏之行, 一转眼,已经过了两年半。。。很多的记忆开始以很快的速度‘fading out'。。。 那一趟的旅行, 有一些风景,有一些人,我是一定要记住的。。而且,希望可以很久很久。。。

师傅, 是在中国称呼司机的一种方式。 对这个陪伴我们超过一个星期的‘师傅‘真的当之无愧的。

如果不是有师傅, 我想我们,至少我,会觉得还蛮怕的,在旅程中的很多点。。 虽然,旅途中惊险连连可是没有真正的觉得很害怕过, 因为觉得有师傅在, 有师傅‘罩’,一切都会化险为夷的。这一点,师傅真的超‘man’ 的。 一路上,看着师傅怎么随机应变,在高压下脑筋依然非常灵光 (比高压锅还好=)... 我想起,他要那个看守着还没有开放的隧道的藏人, 让我们的车子通过的时候,告述他我们是要到拉萨布达拉朝圣的,还说我们会为他祈福=),单纯的藏人真的把障碍物拿掉, 让我们通过了。。 还有,师傅竟然可以在沙马乡这样一个鸟不生蛋的地方, 的一架废弃的机器里找到一根螺丝, 把车子修好。

在那一个救兵来不到 (landslide) 手边又没有一点资源的时候,他修车的同时,还可以张罗我们的饭菜, 还抄了一碟超好吃的川菜。。。心理素质和抗压力, 我真的超服, 超崇拜他的。。。



我觉得师傅真的有很多positive 的能量, 他永不言弃, 就是一直try his best to solve whatever problems that come.。.这样的character, 我一定要永远的记得, 很幸运遇到他,芒康之后,我们和他道别, 那时我记得我和yy 说,' it will never be the same again.. 八个少一个。。 :(’

师傅做的离别的早餐, 很好吃,很感动

Monday, June 15, 2009

女人落难, 还是女人。。。

抵死晤?‘风头火势’还有闲情搞这些。 哈哈。

落难沙马乡,这就是我们消磨时间的方式。完全发挥了随遇而安的精神。We were so cool =)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

tibetan bride- Dawn.. we were imagining it...

Dawn seemed has only 2 emotions - forever in a happy, excited mood or... '火大'.

For I don't believe there is people who has no 'down' mood at all, I choose to believe she is so kind that she always bring us up to sky when she is ' high', and never 'sink' the rest when she is down.

Though we tried hard, but too bad, there was no one Tibetan who was good enough for her ( perhaps there is no tibetan bed that is soft enough for her- soft bed is a VERY BIG issue for her -), but we were kind enough to leave them a 'imaginary' tibetan bride...for them to dream on ..hopefully not a nightmare . Ha .. ha.. ha...

by yy

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ka Shou into being...

Ka sou first came into being during the Tibet trip, and his concept of the 'happy family' starts take shape since then...

hetty 和她的如意袋

Hetty 有一个比小叮当还神的‘如意袋‘- 一个取之不尽, ‘货源‘源源不绝的百宝袋。

应有尽有,从美珍香肉干,mash potato, slippers, 药品。。。

Hetty,比她的‘如意袋‘更神。 因为她竟然能把那么多好料塞进这个百宝袋 -)

Monday, March 2, 2009

looking through Ming's eyes

Ming take beautiful photos.

She has delicate eyes, she see different things, or , she see things differently...

Sometimes, I like to see through her lens and see the world in a very 'ming' way- the very upclosed and personal way...

The world of Ming...

Sunday, January 25, 2009




桃花源, 是走出来了, 就再也回不去了。然后就只剩下桃花源的记忆,跟你很久很久。

Friday, January 23, 2009


2007 年。六月三日。我们七人启程。 往北方, 最靠近天空的地方飞去。。。

we are family !